Flavia Zaganelli +

Placebo Dances


Placebo Dances is an atlas of body based practices in the search of pleasure and states of graces.

Placebo Dances, by questioning the positioning of bodies in the world, lends itself to become an open relational device to be developed in different forms: workshops and moments of sharing with the communities (professionals and non-prof and people interested in the topic) through both a body based approach and a theoretical level; performative moments and rituals to generate a connection between observed and observer, between moving and static bodies, seeking a closeness and an intimacy that makes our being in the world more erotic.

Flavia Zaganelli

developed in collaboration with artist and communities that takes part at workshops and research phases.

The project won Boarding Pass Plus Dance 2023 a mobility grant in collaboration with Santarcangelo Festival (Italy) and Moving in November Festival (Finland)

Supported in residency by Liisa Pentii + Co Studio (Helsinki); Altes Finanzamt-Berlin (Queer kollektiv art space)

workshops hosted by GADA Playhouse (Florence, Italy); Paleotto11 (Bologna, IT)

a 1st performative event in the public space was hosted by Danza Urbana Festival (Bologna, IT) in September 2023

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