Flavia Zaganelli +



INVISIBILIA is a suspended space of interaction between the human body, the plant body, and the technological body for the natural space.

It is a site-specific work that arises from the intrinsic relationship with a given place and the ecosystem that inhabits it and thus changes radically each time.

It uses the languages of contemporary dance, live electronic music, biodata sonification and drawing.

It consists of two interconnected, complementary but autonomous elements:

INVISIBILIA_danza, performance
INVISIBILIA_ascolto, permanent sound installation


Two human bodies and plant bodies share a space of interaction in the ethereal surrender to the invisible and the subtle.

The perfomance is constructed within and together with an ecosystem through careful observation, meditation, theoretical speculation, drawing, improvisations of movement, sound, listening, use of voice, use of electroacoustic transduction (microphones) and biodata sonification technologies.


Sound installation made for and together with specific ecosystems. It is an invitation to enter into a relationship with places with time, calm and willingness.

The listener is invited to approach each place by following the positioning directions provided by the signs placed at the site and then indulge in listening to the sound tracks made with and for that ecosystem.

INVISIBILIA_ascolto is in Florence at Parco delle Cascine close to P.I.A and in Valtellina in the forest of Castellaccio close to ORA_Orobie Residenze d'artista.

Virtually visit the installation:

What changes inside and outside of me if I approach a large 100-year-old holm oak tree in the middle of a grove rather than a towering plant on the riverbank?

Is it possible to indulge in a relationship between our physical body, the subtle body, the sound body, the plant bodies, and the space that accommodates them?

INVISIBILIA is a project by Flavia Zaganelli e Ceci Stuck.

Flavia Zaganelli

Ceci Stuck

Silvia Piantini

INVISIBILIA is part of the research project NO TITLE_EXPANDED on relationship between humans, plants and technologies that Flavia investigates together with sound artist Ceci Stuck.

The project won Bando Abitante 2021, a grant in support of Italian dance by Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza Virgilio Sieni and Fondazione CR Firenze.

Project supported in residency by PIA Palazzina Indiano Arte, Corniolo Art Platform, Santarcangelo Festival, DAS Dispositivo Arti Sperimentali, Fienile Fluò con il sostegno di h(abita)t – Rete di Spazi per la Danza in collaborazione con Crexida, Paleotto11.

Next project:

The Game We Play

Boschetto dei Tigli / linden grove

How do I position myself?

Frame the QR code, go up to the bottom of this small slope, and sit on one of the cut logs.
Stay, listen and observe.
When you want, you can click play and listen to the sound track, freeing part of your ear to take in the sounds of the environment as well.

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Pioppo bianco (Populus alba) - White Poplar

How do I position myself?

With your back against the trunk, move 41 paces away from the Poplar tree, then turn around, stay and observe it. Listen to the trace.

As the trace flows, if you want, repeat this action several times in different directions.

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Leccio (Quercus ilex) - Holm Oak

How do I position myself?

Approach it as slowly as you can, get to its trunk and look closely at the bark.

Sit at its feet and look up. Listen to the track..

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Bagolaro (Celtis Australis) - Hackberry

How do I position myself?

Sit at its base with your back firmly against its shaft and look out. Listen to the track and if you want, close your eyes.

As the trace flows, if you want, repeat this action several times sitting towards different directions.

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Ai due alberi / L'incontro - At the two trees / The Encounter

How do I position myself?

Frame the QR code, lie down on the big boulder between the two trees, stay and listen.

When you want, click play and listen to the sound track

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Buca dei castagni / L'orecchio - Chestnuts' Hole / The Ear

How do I position myself?

Frame the QR code, descend cautiously into the pit, sit on a rock, and stay listening. When you want, click play and listen to the sound track.

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